Can I contact the Employer without an Application?


Last Update hace un año

When it comes to recruiting, Employers have a process in place. As you may be part of a few, or part of many who may apply for a specific job, it is important to understand that recruiters may:

  1.  start the recruiting process as applications come in, or do it weekly, or after a month.
  2.  during the start of the process, collect information provided through your profile and Resume.
  3.  filter down to who they feel may be the most suitable candidates for the specific job.
  4.  invite short-listed candidates for an interview to meet them in person.
  5.  may offer the role to a successful Candidate after taking all factors into consideration.

For these reasons Candidates cannot apply for work without an application because:

  • the Employer dont know anything about you yet.
  • you are disrespecting the Employers process and risk getting declined. 
  • you also risk getting banned as you have breached our ToU.

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