Accredited Employer Work Visa


Last Update één jaar geleden

Individuals with an AEWV cannot apply for work in the Cleaning Industries and should not use this website. Reasons for this are that AEWV holders are:

1. tied to a specific employer and are not allowed to switch jobs during their stay.

2. granted work for a fixed term, usually three years, which means that the visa holder need to reapply or find an alternative visa option after this period.

3. required to have a job offer from an approved employer prior to their arrival in New Zealand or prior to applying for work.

If you are holding an AEWV and are changing your employment role, employment location, employer, or any combination of these, then you may be able to apply for a Variation of Conditions (VOC) of your visa to enable you to change your employment. Note that you have to inform the company that you have a VOC before you apply for work so that they can advise if they will accept this or not.

VOC applications may take 1-3 weeks to process after which the work visa may be re-issued with the new employment conditions. Only once the VOC has been approved can the new employment commence. For this reason you need to be very clear to the potential employer before you apply for work.

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